Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR DeCert

Participants : Germain Faure, Chantal Keller, Assia Mahboubi [Contact] .

This project is funded by the call Domaines Emergents 2008, a program of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. It started in January 2009 and will end in December 2012. The objective of the DECERT project is to design an architecture for cooperating decision procedures, with a particular emphasis on fragments of arithmetic, including bounded and unbounded arithmetic over the integers and the reals, and on their combination with other theories for data structures such as lists, arrays or sets. To ensure trust in the architecture, the decision procedures will either be proved correct inside a proof assistant or produce proof witnesses allowing external checkers to verify the validity of their answers.


Participants : Germain Faure, Assia Mahboubi [Contact] , Revantha Ramanayake.

This project is is funded by the call Jeunes Chercheurs Jeunes Chercheuses 2009, a program of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. It started in September 2009 and will end in September 2013. The PSI project aims at investigating how to take into account the specificities of a given theory when designing proof search methods, both in the theory of proof search and in the design of automated tools.


Participants : Bruno Barras [Local coordinator for Inria Saclay – Île - de - France] , Germain Faure, Assia Mahboubi, Enrico Tassi.

This project is is funded by the call Ingénierie Numérique et Sécurité 2011, a program of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. The Paral-ITP project intends to overcome the sequential model for Coq, to make the resources of multi-core hardware available for even larger proof developments. Beyond traditional processing of proof scripts as sequence of proof commands, there is a large space of possibilities and challenges for pervasive parallelism. Coq shall be connected to a uniform document model that integrates parallel and asynchronous evaluation processes with notions of history and change management, over the rich structure of formal content. This can then serve as a basis for an editor document model in direct user interaction, and background library management with continuous proof checking, in the style of modern IDEs like Eclipse or Netbeans. Ultimately, the general document model and front-end technology will accommodate end-users and builders of add-on tools. One typical instance is the add-on that imports proofs constructed by automated deduction systems (SAT and SMT solvers).